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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM RBZ 80 and Bauer Nexus 800 or 600

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For the last two years I've been skating on Graf Ultra G5's,the experience has been so/so. It took nearly 6 months of weekend warrior playing and a few punch sessions to finally get them somewhat dialed. I feel like I want to go back to Bauer (used them exclusively prior to Graf). This is where it gets interesting.

I've have had my eye on the Nexus line since it first came out and my budget for skates is right around the $300.00 price point. So that put the Nexus 600 on the radar(price recently dropped to $215) and actually as of this week the 800 has now been dropped to $315 so those are now in reach. I went to my LHS and tried on the 800s in a D and felt some extra pressure in the outer portion of the middle of my foot (basically beneath the Bauer logo). The arch was also a bit uncomfortable, I have a low arch. There was also a lot of space towards the front of my foot towards where the toe cap meets the tongue, almost like a hot dog in a hallway status. I didn't try an E width because I figured that would be too wide and also provide too much extra space inside. So as I walked around and looked at the skate wall the CCM RBZ 80 caught my eye,$299 price tag and from what I understand, a relatively wide fitting skate. The one on the wall happened to be my size so I pulled it down and tried it on. The skate instantly felt more snug to me but in a good way. It felt like all parts were contained nicely without any discomfort anywhere. I then pulled out the standard footbed and inserted one of the CCM aftermarket ones (the Low version) and the fit felt even better, the arch felt smoothed out and just about perfect.

This took me by surprise because I wasn't even thinking about trying in a CCM skate, I felt like going in I was set on Bauer. Being that I was on my lunch break I didnt get a chance to try on a Supreme 0ne.7, but I wouldn't mind doing so.

Anyone else out there have a similar experience with these two brands/skates I listed? I know everyone's foot is different but I'm curious to see what others mighy have noticed.

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Rbz 80 is a nice skate, but the instep seems low or weird compared to a supreme skate, is this so?

Supreme has a similar fit in my opinion, slight narrower/ different toebox, but cant figure the instep thing.

The one.X series fit my foot better than than the one X0, the heel is lower a more flat straight foot, the arch dont sway og swoop at all, so the support on a lower'ish arch is good.

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We have had very good success selling RBZ 80 skates in my shop, particularity pairing them with CCMs new insoles. High quality skate.

Thanks Buzz. Have you seen any come back with any recurring issues? I read that some people had some issues with the eyelets kind of spiraling apart?

And thank you Morten for your input. I may give the Supreme a try, but have a feeling it would be too narrow.

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My son and four other kids on my pee wee team have senior RBZ80 skates. They love them, and the fit is as you describe a little wider than I expected trying them on (my 12yo son has a bigger foot than I do!). I have noticed some stitching and outsole wear issues after 6 months, but he plays hard four nights a week or more, and he doesn't take the same level of care I would despite my repeated pleas. I have a wide Flexlite type foot, and I think the RBZ would work for me when the Supremes never quite did.

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Thank you PowerFibers. I pretty much only skate once a week, with an occasional additional game of pick-up or stick time. Like you, I do take good care of my equipment, promptly emptying my bag and hanging my gear up as soon as I get home from the rink.

Another thing to note on the CCM RBZ80 (i suppose the entire line) is the fit. My current Grafs are mens 7.5 and the RBZ80 i tried on was a mens 6.5 and it fit perfectly.

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Wore the Nexus 600 for little longer than one year in EE width, purchased the RBZ 100 in EE a few days ago.

Reason was outer foot pain midfoot I experienced - exactly under the logo. On one hand, the Nexus really is a half size too big as I realized later (wasn't fitted correctly), on the other hand the 8-figure shape of the boot doesn't work well for my foot shape (widest part beeing midfoot rather than the area where the toes start).

The RBZ tends to be a little more "square" so my midfoot problem area sits perfectly in the boot after baking - first time in years I stepped out of a skate without outer foot pain. I should add that a factor to the optimum fit was definitely getting the size right this time (toes brushing cap when stepping in, not touching when skates beeing laced up). Also note that the RBZ 100 composite molds pretty well when heated - I'm not sure the Surelyn of the 80 is as responsive to heat, others might be able to comment on this.

Another thing to consider is the quarter materials on Nexus 600 vs RBZ 80: the Surelyn of the RBZ should be noticeably stiffer than the nylon stuff of the Bauer. I read a review that blocking shots with the Nexus can hurt quite a bit.

Regarding fit - the Nexus is said to have the most volume of all retail boots on the market - I really had a problem with the ankle fit because I have a skinny ankle, had to crank down the laces like mad (bought something similar to bunga pads to solve this) even though these were baked when purchased.

Make sure to check the holder alignment on the Nexus - mine came misaligned resulting in a crooked runner (might have been a "Monday boot").

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I've been really happy with my RBZ80s. Like you, I went in expecting to buy a Bauer skate (I was thinking Vapors) but tried on the RBZs after talking with one of the sales guys. The fit was much better in comaprison, and had less pressure points and better heel lock. The RBZ 80s are very heat moldable, one bake + some spot work with a hair dryer got them dialed in quickly. I've played about once a week since September and have not had any excessive wear or issues with the eyelets. You are right on sizing, I went 2 sizes down from my old Reebok 7Ks.

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Thanks Mars, that is great to read! I plan on going back in this week to try them on both feet, for some reason I never asked to try on both skates, I only wore the one that was on the showroom wall. When I bought my Grafs I think I really convinced myself that they felt much better than they really did. This time around I won't let that happen, as evident with me going in thinking the Nexus was for me, but finding the RBZ 80 fit and felt much better.

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