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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Black Stone U-12 Holder - Bauer APX2

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I only have the youth holder for my blackstone Professional Portable, and I called blackstone to order an adult holder. I told them I have APX2s and they told me those skates do not fit in the U-12 adult holder and I would have to take the blade out to sharpen. So I might as well just use the youth holder and take the blades out. Have you heard or have experience with this?

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I know it's going to work out.

At the end of my shift today, we did about 48 pair. Quite a few of those were LS Edge - I even thought about it today; people thought they would see customers switch to LS2 on all the new Vapors; haven't seen many of those.

I do know that it gets a bit weird on 306s, but that pretty much goes for any holder in that size.

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I'm having a similar issue. I picked up a used Blackstone X01 from a neighbor who moved away and it came w/ the Tri-Lie universal carrier.

The carrier fits 4 of 5 skates for family members, but doesn't fit my son's Bauer Vapor X06s.

I looked on Blackstone's site and it looks like I might need to buy a completely new carrier for $500+.

I sent Blackstone an email, but also thought someone here might have an idea for a solution.

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We have a solution in the works for now you can simply take the blades out and sharpen them. Hope it helps.....

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