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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Test Shooting Sticks and stats

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I was at Source For Sports today in their "shooting gallery" checking out some sticks. They have the computerized system that passes you the pucks and you shoot at the targets it selects. I can't remember the name of the system but it's really cool. Anyway, it measures release, shot speed, accuracy, and a couple other things.

Here are my results:

#1 Reebok Ribcore - Scored a 205 with it hitting 72% of my targets at an average shot speed of 52mph and a release time of 1.22 seconds.

#2 CCM RBZ - Scored a 180 hitting 66% of my targets at an average shot speed of 51mph and a release time of 1.24 seconds

The rest of my scores were between 125 and 150 using a Warrior DT1, Bauer Vapor APX2, Bauer Nexus 1000, and a Bauer Total One NXG.

There is nothing overly scientific about my results as I was just playing around but I was really surprised how good my shot was with the Ribcor and how it felt to shoot.

I'm going to go back again another day. It was like a super cool video game to me. LOL Next time i'll keep better track of the numbers too.

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Cool idea. Though i would take note on which was closets to your normal curve, stick flex, length, lie etc. Even whichever tick you used first and warmed up to can effect this score. But I bet it did gave you a real good feel for each stick much more than just flexing it on the store room carpet floor

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Lately i've been using a Miken Vicious 3.0 with a P88 curve. Every stick I tried was an 85 flex with a P88 curve or the closest I could get to it. The only one that varied ironically was the Ribcore that had a Datsyuk curve. I had no say in the lies but I believe they were all 5.5 or 6. I even tried a CCM RBZ with a Landeskog curve which is what I was using. I didn't fare too well with it. LOL

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Wow, you Canadians get all the cool toys!!, I wonder if the wife would let me put one of those in the living room.......haha

Did they have them cut to different lengths?

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Was it a RapidShot machine? I used one at a trade show a number of years ago and I liked it. I really wish I could use something like that more often to work on my release.

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Wow, you Canadians get all the cool toys!!, I wonder if the wife would let me put one of those in the living room.......haha

Did they have them cut to different lengths?

DIfferent sticks come in different lengths even uncut. I like chadds idea of a machine like that to practice my shot with an established stick.

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