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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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waxed oval laces, do they stretch over time?

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I bought some Waxed Ovals to try out, as many seem to like them. Following the manufacturer guidlines, I bought 96" laces for my 7.5D skates, however they are way too short, I cant lace up the top eyelet. Do they "relax" over time if anyone knows? or should i just replace.

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excellent. at the same time I purchased some regular waxed laces, but I am not that familiar with Elite having used howies for so long. Is their regular waxed laces the same?

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I'm a big fan of this particular lace, However I have found that it tears and cuts much easier than a traditional lace. On average I need to replace at least one lace every 4-6 weeks. Thankfully I bought a lot of them when I was told they were no longer being made with wax. I figure I'm good for another 6 months or so.

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I have the same size skates and I use the 108" oval laces. The 96" were way to short. I only had a few inches of lace left after lacing the top eylet. But they are the best laces i have ever used. Easy on the hands when tying your skates tight and dont really come loose during the game.

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perhaps ill try the 106 next time that I am at a hockey store. Sucks that i wasted the cash however, so maybe I wont =)

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