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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton t-flex shafts

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I build hockey stick chairs for the Dawg Nation Hockey Foundation (http://www.dawgnationhockey.org/) in Denver. Our president recently asked the Colorado Avalanche to donate broken sticks as chair material. They gave us some SBK woodies autographed by traded players and a bundle of unused T-flex shafts. Unfortunately, I had to sacrifice 8 of them to the cause. On the positive side, this sold for $350 at the recent Mile High Gala at the Pepsi Center.


Since there are some beer leaguers still using T-flex shafts (myself included) I asked if it would be okay to sell some of them instead of cutting for chairs. All shafts are 110 flex, uncut, unused. The only flaw, if you want to nitpick, is some dusty tape residue where they were bundled.

I'm asking $50 shipped in the US. Anywhere else will be $45+actual shipping. PM me your mailing address for a quote. There are 12 shafts available and I'd love to see these on the ice instead of chopped in my garage. I'll make a package deals if there's interest.

All proceeds will go to DNHF (http://www.dawgnationhockey.org/). Here are some pics.




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Due to unforeseen circumstances, the shafts are available again.

"I'm asking $50 shipped in the US. Anywhere else will be $45+actual shipping. PM me your mailing address for a quote. There are 12 shafts available and I'd love to see these on the ice instead of chopped in my garage. I'll make a package deals if there's interest."

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