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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Repalming eagle glove.

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Is fix it by mail still a good place, I live in VA and they're in NY. The gloves are x6 which a friend said I should just spend the money on new gloves, but I'm a fan of them and love how they feel.

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Yeah. I agree but I'm also mailing them to Ontario. Turn around and shipping will be longer. I guess something I need to think about. Anyone have good experiences stateside?

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I used Fix It By mail for a few years, and they did good work. Lately they have gotten shakey. When all works out, you get your stuff back in a month or so.

When they have problems or lose your stuff, you never hear back from them. They are in Canada at some unknown/unlisted address. If they do not ship your stuff, you have little recourse.

I have been waiting almost a year for my stuff with disingeuous promises to deliver. They have turned into a sham unfortunately. Stay clear.

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