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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ice vs. Inline

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So I've just started to play net, and I've gotten a few ice games/clinics under my belt. I feel comforable with mobility, both on my blades, and in the butterfly position. I got the call to play net in my inline game last night, and WOW is it different. I wasn't at all able to move once down on the surface.

Can you guys give me some pointers on how to improve my inline game. Are there any techniques that may help my overall game, or any pad modifications/add-ons that would help with SOME mobility in the butterfly? The strongest part of my ice game is my mobility, and this inline surface really exposed me.

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In the way of mods I might suggest Rollerfly. A ton of goalies in my area have started to use them and I notice the difference 100% in the saves they make. Cross crease tap ins have to be that much quicker. This would be something to look into if you plan to stick with inline. In the way of techniques I might suggest shuffling rather than sliding. Leather on plastic doesnt really work very well, if you go down no chance can you push and slide(unless you have rollerflys) so you would have to shuffle.

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Those rollerflys look really great, until you get to the price. OUCH!! I had heard from someone that there is a cover you can put over your pads, I'm going to research that as well.

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