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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Homemade Wood Hockey Stick

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Hi! I'm a senior in high school and currently taking senior project. For those who don't know senior project is a class where you have to take on a project that requires a skill. For my senior project I chose to look into a woodworking area as it is very useful skill to have, and my dad is very knowledgeable in this area. More precisely I will be making a wooden hockey stick, while it might not be the most complex thing to do, it will take some know how. I was curious to see if anybody has tips or have made their own sticks that they would to share! I remember a kid on PHEW (I know its not a popular group on here) made one but I couldn't find it in their group so if anyone remembers something that would be cool! Thanks in advance!

- Matt

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Thanks! I saw the video and I plan on attempting the two/three piece design used here but if all else fails it just hast to look good not necessarily be functional

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That video really covers well what you'd need to do. You could pretty well use epoxy for everything. US composites is a good source for moderate volumes of epoxy.

While composites have pretty much superseded wood sticks, and your new skill is now somewhat obsolete, I think it would be a great project that would take skill to put together.

Do you just have to build the stick, or do you also have to tie it together with other course materials--cost (math/business), construction details (science, woodworking), the design behind the stick (physics/science)?

You would have a lot better exhibition of your new skill if the stick were functional.

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I just have to document the process and bring the finished product into class for a presentation. I know its somewhat an obsolete skill put it is a required class so it should be fun.

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You could easily make 4-5 partially completed sticks and one completed stick. Think about how you'll present. It would be cool to have separate "show and tell" sticks to hand out showing different steps instead of photos of you building one stick.

The nice thing about hockey sticks is that they're made of relatively inexpensive woods.

I can send you a square foot or two of fiberglass. Get resin from the auto parts store.

I know I told you to use epoxy, but gorilla glue also works well for strong wood joints.

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Well i go to highschool for cabinet making. We have made several hockey sticks to fool around with. Im not expert on making hockey sticks, but like what MThockeydad said you can easily make 4-5 etc. You can just get a piece of oak and rip a few shafts, than you can ban saw the blade. What you can do to make the curve is by making a mold out of two peices of wood (that have a curve in it) and could make the curve for the blade (its pretty hard to explain, and in sure youtube has something about making your own blade).

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