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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tps intermediate shaft - which blade fits?

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I'm from sweden and I'm looking for a intermediate stick because I'm only 5′4" so a senior stick gets to stiff after I cut it. My problem though is that I want to buy a shaft so that I can change blades when they break, which they tend to do to frequently.

Another problem is that its almost impossible to find a shaft in Sweden that is intermediate. And I cant buy it from Canada or US either because they dont ship here.

I found a TPS intermediate shaft but I dont know which blades that fits into it. Someone with some knowledge about this?

Its this shaft


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Do you use a specific manufacturer or have you tried several?

How long ago was it that you tried a senior blade in your shaft? I mean things could be different nowaday if it was a long time ago you've used a senior blade in your shaft.

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Senior blades in my experience have always fit in intermediate shafts. Make sure when buying you know whether your shaft is tapered or standard. This will affect which blades will fit. I would look it up for you but a lot of models differ between US and Euro models and I don't know which you have.

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There is a link in my original post. It doesn't say if it is a US or Euro model and whether its tapered or not, it doesn't say on the website. I have to call them though they dont seem ti know what they're talking about.

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It looks like it's tapered from what I've read, as it's based on a one piece stick.

If you have it on you, you can tell by looking down the shaft and seeing if it narrows slightly beginning about 6 inches from the bottom of the shaft. You can also compare the size of the holes at the top and bottom of the shaft. If the holes are the same size, standard. If the hole at the bottom of the shaft is visibly smaller, tapered. Either way, you should get a senior blade.

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You could flip the stick and put it in where you'd usually put a plug, but it will mess up the flex profile and kick point of the stick. If you don't care about that, it doesn't matter.

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Thanks for fact-checking me. Hard to find info on these. OP your best bet is to just wait till you have the shaft in your hands. If the standard bauer blade you have fits, go for it. If it's a tapered shaft, either flip it or get a different blade.

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