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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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recomend a curve?

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Hi Guys

can anyone recommend a curve change. I have currently been using a bauer TO nxg, with a Toews curve. 102 flex. But my slappers seem to stay pad height. I keep thinking if I got them up another foot or more they are goals.

anyone recommend a slight change to see a bit higher of a slapper? or am I just retarted? lol still would want to stick with the bauer TO


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I find that if I slide my lower hand down on the shaft, and keep the puck more in front of me when I make contact, then the puck will lift. Creates a shovel effect.

I have the opposite problem from you though, my shots all sail high, so I need closed face (Kovalchuk).

For Bauer curves, P92 Backstrom is open, P88 Kane is slight open- either will likely give you more lift than Toews.

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If you have proper form then you should be able to put your slapshot wherever you want. Don't use the curve as a crutch. Practice.

To use my favorite line from a teammate; LOFT = lack of f---ing talent.

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Not to add to "teaching"... But alot of players seem to lack a few technique components in their shot that really impact pretty heavy. Make sure when you shoot that you roll your wrists over, even on slap shots to the point that the front of the blade is completely facing the ice and make sure that the toe of your blade is pointed where you want to aim for. The shot will go to wherever the toe of your blade is pointed if you roll correctly and execute everything at full speed. If that makes sense its the advice I got from the Robby Glantz clinics I went to when I was a youngin and it still holds completely true to form for me...

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oh also, I use my slapper as I can shoot high 90s mph. I have been clocked so im not actually a bad shooter, 29 goals, in 28 games. but just seems to happen where my shots are low and have been for awhile and just noticed I was hitting a lot of pad. I will see what I am doing in warm up and see if I can keep velocity while also changing my puck height.

However, I need a new stick so I will switch to a kane curve for a change as it was recommended. thanks guys

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