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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Please assess this blade break

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Hey guys, getting back into hockey after 15 yrs or so. I have never really used composite sticks until now.

Is this break from a weak blade, or from a bad slap shot, or blocked shot? I was practicing slappers and kinda decided to take one while skating with the puck and totally missed... I was also playing D yesterday and was getting in the mix a lot. I didn't notice the break until I was off the ice.

So I'm wondering if this is a normal spot or a bad blade.

I have only used the stick 6-8 times.

Its a pro stock Mako, so no warranty. Im not trying to blame the guy I bought it from or anything, I just want to learn what is a legit break or a bad break, etc. I am sure I will have more sticks than I need within 6 mo's, and this information will be valuable to me.




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whenever i get chips or cracks in that area, its usually from blocking a shot, or catching a hard pass/tip attempt, and sometimes stick on stick battles. Generally you will want to take slap shots closer to the toe than you are ;)

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I'm not 100% sure it was from slap shot, but I recall missing a slap shot bad on that ice session... I thought the same as well "how could I even hit the puck here"? I didn't notice the break until after I was off the ice.

Could be from blocking a shot as well, I was forced to play D yesterday and kinda getting in the mix a lot.

Regardless, is that a normal spot or a bad blade?

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Regardless, is that a normal spot or a bad blade?

Not normal, though that doesn't mean it was a bad blade.

The impact mark indicates that blocking a shot there may very well have contributed to the break.

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It looks to me like someone stepped on it (wearing skates) while it was on the ground. If I'm seeing it right, the damaged area closest to the heel is folded in, towards the point of impact at the top of the blade. At the top of the blade, it looks like the toe of a skate blade scraped away some paint before puncturing.

If it happened on the ice, chances are the break would be angled downward, instead of upwards. Also, I really don't see a puck doing that.

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