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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates that fit similar to Easton Synergy/1300c/1500c

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The fit of these skates are probably my favorite of all time, but unfortunately the durability on them isn't so great (surprise, surprise) and they are getting harder and harder to find. What can I find that is comparable? The cut of the skate doesn't really matter, I just want something that fits just like that.

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Good luck on this. Those skates really fit my foot like a glove. I am just not sure there is anything like them out there, anymore. I am currently in the Mako's, and they are closest thing I've worn to them (still not that close).

An option for you is potentially someone like VHFootwear would build you a custom boot with the same cut (assuming you sent an old pair of Easton's in).


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As am I. I doubt we will ever see a pair of skates like that for quite some time. The combination of weight and performance were something special.


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I had one95's, but I don't remember them anything like that Eastons 1300/1500 (even for padding). The Easton skates were low cut, low-ish volume, WIDE toe box that was also shorter than a traditional toe box, super light weight, and flexed in a manor that helped propel you down the ice. I remember the exact moment once I got those skates dialed. The months after that I spent accelerating faster than everyone. I miss that speed in my game.


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