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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Curve Hunt - Heatly -> Reebok

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I've been using the Heatly curve for the past few years and I like it, but now I'm making the switch to Reebok. I'd like something similar to the Heatly (doesn't have to be the same), and I've narrowed it down to the p87A (Crosby), p42 (Duchene), and the p40 (Perron). My problem isn't so much the curve itself but the lie. The 5 lie on the Heatly is perfect for me. However, totalhockey has the p87A and the p40 at 5.5 and the p42 at a 5, but icewearhouse as all three listed as 5. Can anyone clear the air on this? A slight change won't kill me, but if it's closer to a 6 than a 5 it's an issue.

Also, looking at a Ribcor 24K and 25K (RBZ80 is a distant third). Is there that much difference between the two or should i just save the $50. I really only play open hockey and summer leagues and the biggest thing in a stick for me is durability and puck feel.

Thanks guys.

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If you want to stay close to a Heatley, you should consider the P38 Datsyuk. It's listed at a 6 lie, but I've always thought it played lower, maybe even lower than the P88 clones (like the P40 Perron in this case) The blade shape and loft is very very close to the Heatley.

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The Reebok Perron (Hedman) was their answer to the Easton Heatley (or vice versa). That will be your closest match. The Datsyuk will feel like an oar by comparison.

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If you want to stay close to a Heatley, you should consider the P38 Datsyuk. It's listed at a 6 lie, but I've always thought it played lower, maybe even lower than the P88 clones (like the P40 Perron in this case) The blade shape and loft is very very close to the Heatley.

I agree that the Datsyuk is different than the Heatly, but I also agree with glu that it plays remarkably well for a guy (me) who is used to a Heatley curve...I may be an oddball though...

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My 2 cents...I went from an Heatley curve in Easton to the Duchene one when I tried out RBK sticks for the first time. Both played very similar and I was at ease right away.

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