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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockeymonkey and cyclone taylors are the only guys I know of that carry them. Unless your going with the same line of Grafs, I'd suggest trying them on first for comparisons.

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Hockeymonkey and cyclone taylors are the only guys I know of that carry them. Unless your going with the same line of Grafs, I'd suggest trying them on first for comparisons.

I'd stay away from HockeyMonkey when buying skates, they have a terrible return policy and a good return policy is crucial when buying skates online.

http://www.hockeygiant.com is great, but I don't believe they carry Graf.

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Whats the best website to buy the G series graf's from?

my best advise... if you have a graf dealer near you... use them. thats what they are there for.

they will fit you, bake skates if needed, make modifications, sharpen, service, and take care for problems if they occur.

support your local dealers

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