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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Fitting in Manhattan area

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Hi guys,

It's been quite a while since my last visit to MSH. So I want to apologise beforehand if I ask something that's been drilled to death or just plain stupid.

I've been away from the game for about 5 years (I'm 28) and, even though I didn't play enough to become more than an intermediate player at best, I'd like to get back into it. I'll be visiting in Manhattan in April (I'm from Argentina, meaning no LHS). With this in mind, I thought it might be a good idea to get properly fitted for skates for the first time in my life, especially since I believe Jr size skates might fit me quite well, but need advise from someone who knows what they're talking about to make the decision. I was looking to get a few recommendations on places to go get this done, that are accessible with public transportation.

Also, if someone wants to recommend somewhere to go skating, I'm all ears. I was thinking the rink in Chelsea piers.


PS: I'll also be spending some time in Orlando and Miami before I head back home, but I figured there'd be more/better places in the NYC area.

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There isn't much in NYC proper. The pro shop at Chelsea Piers isn't great. There is Westside Skate and Stick in Manhattan, but they generally focus on Graf, with minimal other brands. If you can manage to get a bit outside NYC there's some really good shops in northern NJ, southern CT, and on Long Island.

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Thanks for the replies!

Nope... not gonna be renting a car. Need to move by either train or bus.

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TJ, send me a message when you are coming in. I'm interested to know what level of skate you are interest in as I don't carry complete line to high end. I let PH spend their inventory $ on that. Also what size do you think you need? Width?

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Thanks DarkStar, I'll make sure to let you know!

I'm interested in a mid-level skate, and maybe something a couple seasons old could work as well, since I don't have that much money to spend on skates. Right now I'm on RBK 5Ks (2010 model, I think), size 6D. I think I might like something a bit snugger around the ankle, and I'm pretty sure I could squeeze into a 5.5 skate, which could mean big savings in the case Jr skates work for adults (I'm 28 years old, but around 5'5" and 140 lbs.). I don't play that much and there's not much of a hockey scene here in Argentina. It's all 3 on 3, no checking, minimal contact. Also, I'd like something with a bit of a more forward stance, if that makes any sense.


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