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Toe Cap Separation CCM U+ 12

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I just recently received a pair of CCM U+ 12 skates from HM. Upon inspection, I noticed the toe cap was separating from the boot a little. It's only on one skate, one side. Was wondering if this will turn into a major issue or not. I would like to get baked, sharpened, and ready to go ASAP, but would like to know if I should initiate the return process first.

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I will post pics when I get home. Saw it when I stopped home on my lunch break, but didn't have a second to snap a pic. Just wanted to get a feeler out and see if anyone had experienced a similar problem.

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I've seen that on a lot of CCM skates over the years, I don't believe that I've seen any trend that would indicate that to be a problem area.

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That's normal from my experience. Having said that though, my 4 month old RBZ's toe caps are separating from the outsoles , with the sides actually compressing in about just over an 8th of an inch on both sides of both skates. Which I believe is definitely messing with the overall structure of the skates. The connection between the toe caps and the quarter package has been a problem with CCM skates ever since the U+ series.

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The toe cap is connected with glue along the bottom and the also with the stitching that you see in the pic. As long as the stitching and glue is intact it should be ok.

But the toe cap should not move around.

I have seen many skates come out of the box looking like that, CCM and other brands as well.

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I just bought a pair of U12s from hockey monkey as well, and there is one spot on them that looks similar to what you posted. I haven't skated in them yet so I can't say if it will become a problem but I believe my old Reebok 8Ks have the same thing and I've had those skates for 4+ years without an issue.

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