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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wheel setup for ice court. Hard middle, soft outside?

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So I have my first actual league game since the summer tonight. I have been using my dynasty x soft wheels that came with my alkali shift skates since I received them in december and so far they haven't been a problem for my 230 lb frame. However I have exclusively played on sport court and this new rink I am going to says they have brand new ice court(turns out its new them but its in bad shape). I went to a puck shoot to see how it felt and I feel like I am turning in quick sand. Everything I do just slows me to a stop.

Now I have Revision steels on my old skates, however they are a hilo setup so I only have 4 80mm revision wheels available. Will replacing the 2 fairly new inside wheels with 2 decently used harder wheels benefit me in this case or should I just leave the dynasties on their.

Also just a curiosity question but how does the 2 inner wheels being harder then the two outside wheels benefit. I have an idea but i'd like to find out from someone who is more knowledgable

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In theory you get a little more grip but not as much speed with the softer wheels on the outside, reverse the order around and you will get a little more speed but not as much grip. Having tried both I noticed little difference in speed but the grip was noticeable.

Try it out, swap your wheels around at half time if you feel you are still turning in quicksand. I'd have thought Revision Steels are too hard for a sports court but it all depends on your style and ability.

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