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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tuuks on Reebok 20k

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I was thinking of switching out my e-pros to tuuk ls2. My main concern is the size difference, I am wearing a size 7.5 ee in reeboks which the holder size is 271. I have a pair of holders sized 263 coming off my old total ones. Would I be able to mount these on my 20k's? Will my skating suffer from the switch? Please let me know. Thanks

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I went up a size on my CCM 9.5, I actually took the tuuks off my bauer vapor xx and mounted them on my CCM, I have all the equipment in my basement to do myself I just had to drill new holes and make sure everything was lined up and not twisted, pretty easy actually. It's pretty common that the pros either go up a size or down a size, Toews actually uses a size up on his tuuks.

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While I have and know many others who have gone one size up on holders/steel I personally don't know of anyone who has gone one size down. If it were me I would just have the E-Pro's profiled to a 9' radius similar to your LS2 and give them a try first.

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How do the reebok's feel with the tuuks on them? I've thought about doing that myself a few times in the past but haven't pulled the trigger yet.

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