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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Getting skates punch - how soon can I skate on them?

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So how soon can I start using my skates again after they get punched? I'm getting the right skate punched near the toe cap.

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Depends on how much of the boot they heat and how much you're getting punched out. If they only heat a small area with a heat gun right near the toe box and only do 1-2 punches you should be fine skating on them in a few hours or even as soon as you get to the rink. Iv had this done to my t9 skates in the same area and skated on them hours later, never had a problem at all.

I would only wait 12-24hours if they heat the entire boot or punch out a very large area.

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It also depends on the type of punch or stretch you are getting. A cold stretch is 24 to 48 hours on the expander, you can skate in them as soon as they come off the machine. Anything that has heat in it, like a heated spot punch, then you need to leave for a while for the material in the boot to harden again. Typically 12 - 24 hours depending on how much heat was applied and over what area.

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