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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM u+ cl

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After finally admitting that my current Ice skates are too big for me, I am on the market for some new skates. I currently wear a 11ee mission xp90 in Ice which I originally only intended to use in public skates. My roller hockey skates which are perfect are the alkali rpd shift in a size 9.5. <br /><br />I am mainly trying to figure out how the volume on the u+ cl is. From my understanding they aren't too narrow which is good for me as my feet are wide and flat. I do however have I kind of high instep. If I get volume issues they are normally where the eyelets begin to go vertical so like the 6th-3rd eyelet. I know I should try them on at a local shop but I can't seem to find them anywhere.

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Alright thank you that's good to hear. Am I right in thinking that they are relatively wide. Also if I measure my current footbeds how would I would I measure width. I had read that hockey monkey will compare footbeds if you send measurements. Would u just do the heel width and then the widest point of the footbeds?

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I don't find the footbed an accurate measure of width.


I know some manufacturers use a single footbed for a half and full size skate. For example, a size 8 footbed would be used in both a 7.5 and an 8.

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Alright thanks guys I think I may just pull the trigger on some in a size 9.5d. Hockey monkey seems to have amount of options. I don't think the e width is necessary as while my foot is wide, it is not as wide as I previously had thought it was.

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