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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shoulder pads that don't ride up.

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So, I'm sick of my 1993 CCM Supra shoulder pads. The elastic is all dried and stretched out. When skating, the pads ride up and tend to rest on my throat making it hard to breathe and getting in the way of my upper body movement.

I'm looking for a set of pads that sit properly and hopefully something with a bit deeper V cut around the neck.
My budget is $65.

I'm thinking the Easton M3 Mako might be good because it has a front closure system.
I'm a bit of a banger, but these CCM Supras have done me well with their ancient technology. (a little foam, a little plastic...)
I'm not in need of any major protection as there's no contact in the senior leagues I play in.

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A little different, but given that your league is low/no-contact, would something like these work?


If you want an even lower cut, you could go with these: http://www.hockeymonkey.com/alkali-hockey-padded-shirt-ca9-vest-sr.html

A few of the rec league guys I've played with have had the padded shirts, and most really seem to like them.

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You may want to go up a size with whatever you get. The neck being too small and pads riding up sound like the pads are too small overall.

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You can also try wearing suspenders. I used to have the same issue with my old easton shoulder pads. I tighened up my suspenders and they stayed in place.

I know not everyone likes suspenders, just offering another option.

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I was looking at those padded shirts and that vest but have a hard time with the cost vs real pads. If they were significantly cheaper, I'd consider them.

Also, I still want protection when kneeling down to block a shot. I also want to continue to play at a level that I like to play at and full pads gives me that confidence (be it false or otherwise).

Suspenders might not be a bad idea, but I still need to replace my pads. They're all dry rotted in the straps.

Someone mentioned that the CCM U+ pads have a nice open neck design.

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I would think that as a shot-blocker, you may get some different recommendations. I wouldn't wear a padded shirt and drop down to block a shot. I play in a league where the puck is being thrown at the net at quite a variety of elevations. If I knelt down to block a shot, I could very well be taking a puck in the throat / chest or head. I've seen too many wacky things where I play....

I typically play with no shoulder pads, but I started getting banged up by sticks, incidental stuff, etc. I found a pair of Farrell shoulder pads, but they were a sweat-box for me - I'd never over-heated like that before. I picked up a pair of Bauer Classic Supremes since the Sherwood 5030's were not available in my size at the time. I didn't like the shoulder caps, so I cut them right off. The result is a very basic chest protector with bicep pads intact. I just used them in my last few games and was happy with the fit and feel.

Good luck to you.

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I'm going to go try some on at some point. Selection at my local store isn't great and I really don't have time to drive the 2 hour round trip to the Hockey Monkey Superstore near me.

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I ended up getting some brand new CCM Crazy Strongs for a whopping $60 at Pure Hockey. They were marked $90 and I just figured I'd bite the bullet and get them and they rang up at $60


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