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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Covert stick - Senior or Intermediate?

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Hi, this is my 1st post - hoping you guys can help.

I've read all the reviews & information I can find on the Warrior Covert series sticks & the DT3LT seems the one for me.

I play centre or left wing for a rec club & don't really take slap shots at all - I'm 5'11" 176lbs

My question is: Do I get the Left Hand Senior Flex 75 & cut 3" off or go for the Intermediate flex 70 which I probably won't need to cut down BUT which may be more vulnerable to breakage from 'hacking/chopping' due to the narrower shaft?

I presently play with an Esquire 85 which I'm not flexing very much at all, in your opinion am I making the right choice or should I go for the Covert 85 as I've heard they 'feel' softer? Decisions decisions...

Thanks in advance for your help with this.

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Hi, this is my 1st post - hoping you guys can help.

I've read all the reviews & information I can find on the Warrior Covert series sticks & the DT3LT seems the one for me.

I play centre or left wing for a rec club & don't really take slap shots at all - I'm 5'11" 176lbs

My question is: Do I get the Left Hand Senior Flex 75 & cut 3" off or go for the Intermediate flex 70 which I probably won't need to cut down BUT which may be more vulnerable to breakage from 'hacking/chopping' due to the narrower shaft?

I presently play with an Esquire 85 which I'm not flexing very much at all, in your opinion am I making the right choice or should I go for the Covert 85 as I've heard they 'feel' softer? Decisions decisions...

Thanks in advance for your help with this.

I play C, sometimes LW. I have been using a Widow intermediate for 1.5 yr and no issues with breakage from hacks etc. I play D level in rec, but in drop in, I play 2 or 3 times per week with current high schoolers and former AAA or junior players and they whack the hell out of the stick. No issues.

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I'm basically the exact same size as you. I use Warriors almost exclusively, had trouble finding 75 flexes in Canada on some of the newer models so went to the 70 INT. Never had a shaft breakage in the past year (Dynasty AX1 and Cover DT3 LT), they're built really solidly IMO.

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Thanks for your comments.

Any feedback comparing the flex feel of the DT3LT to my esquire's 85 flex?


I'm basically the exact same size as you. I use Warriors almost exclusively, had trouble finding 75 flexes in Canada on some of the newer models so went to the 70 INT. Never had a shaft breakage in the past year (Dynasty AX1 and Cover DT3 LT), they're built really solidly IMO.

Thanks! Do you like the 70 flex or would you go to the 85? I know this is pretty dependant on the person but interested in your point of view

Cheers again

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I only use the Covert on a 3 on 3 mini rink that we have in town. It flexes really well and kicks hard I do prefer the AX1 though which is to be expected considering it's a top model.. I'd probably want an 85 if I was playing full ice because the 70 would noodle on me if I'm making longer passes or taking a slapper. I ideally would want a 75 cut down 3-4" but I take what I can find considering the 75's seem to only availible on limited models with Warrior.

I tend to be able to switch between mid/dagger kicks fairly well just by changing hand positions. Others might find the change in kick points tougher.

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I use a short stick so the 75 cut down would prob be the answer. I'd have to cut loads off the 85 (prob 6"!) & that'll start pushing the flex up I guess.

Many thanks for your input! Good stuff.

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