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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey Monkey

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it's online buying, what do you expect... those stores are made for people who don't have hockey support in there area... IE places like GEORGIA where you only have one store and you can not find your size....

These people deal with back order volume all day, It's like buying from ups, they take a box and ship it to you, for all they know, they could send you just one skate...

Don't be cheap, support yout LHS...

My LHS is selling '04 Pro Tacks for $429 :blink:.

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Don't be cheap, support yout LHS...

I think most of us do that are able to get to a brick and morter store. With that said, when my LHS's "blowout" price for ProTacks is $299 and I can get them shipped for free with no sales tax for $219 from an online store........... Guess what? My new skates arrive tomorrow via UPS.

And where will you go when you need them heat fit and sharpened. What will you do when you notice a bad rivet 5 min before a game. Can UPS ship that.

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Don't be cheap, support yout LHS...

I think most of us do that are able to get to a brick and morter store. With that said, when my LHS's "blowout" price for ProTacks is $299 and I can get them shipped for free with no sales tax for $219 from an online store........... Guess what? My new skates arrive tomorrow via UPS.

And where will you go when you need them heat fit and sharpened. What will you do when you notice a bad rivet 5 min before a game. Can UPS ship that.

Since when do hockey stores refuse to sharpen skates especially when you've got cash in hand!?!?!?

Also, I don't trust the 16 year old kids that work at my LHS to replace my rivets or repair any of my equipment for that matter.

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THe point he is making is that you get a free sharpening and skate bake when you buy from a LHS. Also, if you are a loyal customer, chances are they will nt charge you to replace a rivet or two (I know I don't.)

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THe point he is making is that you get a free sharpening and skate bake when you buy from a LHS.  Also, if you are a loyal customer, chances are they will nt charge you to replace a rivet or two (I know I don't.)

lol, not at my LHS, you don't get anything for free like sharpenings and whatnot even if you buy your skates from them. Also, the people that work at my LHS don't know anything, I don't even think they have a rivet machine and even if they did I wouldn't trust them.

I consider myself a loyal customer and will keep coming back so long as my experiences are positive, but if a store has absurd prices, horrible service, and almost nothing is ever in stock, i'm going straight online.

When I lived up north in Buffalo, I never never, ever bought anything online or over the phone, but living in south florida i've got no other choice because the stores down here in dade-broward-palm beach counties are horrible.

It's too bad RDV wasn't a little farther south :D.

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used hockeymonkey once, and after a few days the emailed me telling that wasn't in stock.... canceled the order and same day ordere from HockeyGiant. 6 days after (hey, from California to Italy... ) i was using my new skates... :D

last time i went to a shop here in italy, but man here are completely crazy. could u imagine that a pair of Synergy's are about 750 Euro??? :o

by the way, somebody knows why they can't sell easton, bauer and mission equipment outside usa? it's pretty bad... <_<

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so i placed my order online and the same day HM called me to let me know they didnt have any of the 13 cut t'blades. they told me what else they had and let me change my order. the order was shipped yesterday and they should be here on tuesday because of the holiday.

i think they have great service... i mean they called me the same day and let me change my order and then ship it the next day? ive ordered from them quite a few times and i still give htme an A+.

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