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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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LH AND RH ops, prostock pants, adult beginner set, shafts

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Alright got a bit of stuff for sale.. finally got some pictures of the stealth.. open to reasonable offers.. all blades have varying degress of tape residue.. shipping is extra.. for sticks i prefer to wrapped them in garbage bags to cut back on shipping.. but open to suggestions.. items will be posted on ebay in the next few weeks..

LINK TO PICTURE ALBUM: https://imageshack.com/a/tCuq/1

Left handed ops:

Easton synergy ST- all blue model.. 100 flex forsberg- 65 dollars

Warrior hitman- almost looks like an ak.. curve/flex not printed.. but it looks like a forsberg 50 dollars

Right handed ops:

Easton original stealth grip.. lidstrom 100 flex- used stick, still in solid shape..65 dollars

Easton SE- 100 flex forsberg.. short stick roughly 62 inches standing next to wall-50 dollars


NIKE aluminium shaft- 260 flex.. some decals worn.. but the stick is in great condition. blade not included. 100 dollars

Tps rubber- whip flex, graphics are nearly worn off.. but just an excellent shaft.. uncut 35 dollars

x2 warrior dolomite- ops with broken blades.. i cut one with the thought of making a tapered shaft.. thought that would be better left to someone else.. 85 flex, were lh- 30 dollars ea

ccm rbz 60- t shape, grip- 20 dollars

prostock ccm pants XXL mhp 7000.. has three ccm logos, nhl shield, leg zippers.. if these were worn, it was once, maybe twice.. excellent condition 135 dollars

adult beginner set- Itech 255 TL.. Large elbows, large shoulder pads, 15 inch shins..
light weight protective gear.. good for someone trying hockey out.. 65 dollars

Blackhawks ccm XL skate jacket- NWT 40 dollars

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