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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shell: Bauer TotalOne NXG or Bauer Nexus (?)

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Hi everyone!

I recently purchased the Bauer One.8 Hockey Pant and I am looking for a new pant shell. The One.8 shell, to me, does not look all that well when on the ice. In the back, the shell is bunched up where the belt is (bunched to allow flexibility for larger sizes and I fit in the lower range). I am just wondering what you guys would choose. I do like the TO NXG shell because it has kidney coverage and padding all around, but I have been seeing that many players like the Nexus shell. Please lend me your wisdom! Thank you!

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Yeah, I remember taking issue with the One.8's shell back when I had a pair myself. I don't remember what issue that was exactly, but I do know that I yanked them off the minute they arrived at my door in favor of a Nexus shell.

I can't speak for the TotalOne NXG Shell, but having had the Nexus for about a year or so now, I can say that I'm very pleased with them overall. Despite a few very minor cosmetic quibbles (I'm not a fan of the hockey laces and prefer to use a matching colored shoe string in its place, Bauer's use of gray trim around the stitched logo on the front when I feel their logo would look a lot better if they followed CCM and Reebok's example by just using a nice bold white stitched logo identical to the ones on their pro stock counterparts, and the screened-on logo on the rear right thigh that peels off the minute you put the shell on*), they breathe very well, are handsomer than their past shells (aside from what I mentioned above), and have also held up much better than their past shells. The previous generaton Bauer Supreme shell I had in the past had a nasty habit of unraveling its belt loops, but that issue seems to have been addressed with the Nexus.

The only other thing I'll mention is that unlike the current generation Supreme shells, the Nexus is meant to fit over a pant as opposed to a girdle, so they are a little baggier in the thigh openings than you may like. Sometimes it looks okay:


Other times, its bagginess may be a little more obvious:


If that sort of thing bothers you, I would steer you away from the Nexus towards the NXG where I don't believe that would be an issue. Otherwise, I think the Nexus would be just fine and you can pocket the savings.

*Note to Bauer, please stop it with the cheap screened-on logos and decals. Whatever process you're using for the back of the Nexus shell and used for the previous generation TotalOne girdle's internal size chart, it's a waste of time and resources. It comes off so easily that you might as well not bother. I'm no business expert by any means, but is stitching the logo on the shell or using an old-fashioned tag for the girdle really going to put you in the poorhouse? Is there really someone there sitting at a table in a conference room going, "Hey guys, we better use this crap that peels off right away because putting an extra ten cents per shell towards stitching the logo on is going to be the weight that tips the scale in favor of all the other hockey equipment brands out there and eventually lead to our downfall"? If so, just forget it altogether. I don't want to have to waste anymore time peeling off something that's been half-assedly slapped on something I bought ever again. Okay, rant over. My apologies.

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i totally agree with finger guns

i wish the shell logo was just all white instead of the gray trip and the back screened on logo will start peeling the minute you look at it. other than that it is a great shell and extremely durable.

oh and one more thing, i hate how one end of the belt is stitched into the loop.

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oh and one more thing, i hate how one end of the belt is stitched into the loop.

Oh yeah, there is that, but I really only have an issue with stitched belts in certain cases where there isn't a whole lot of slack. I've had a few pants where that was a problem.

Also, I went and checked and it looks like the belt is being held in place by a single zig-zag stitch. Probably nothing a seam ripper couldn't fix.

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I posted a few weeks back with no response asking if a Nexus Shell would match an APX pant in the same size (Senior Medium). Forgive me for hijacking this thread however, will this shell fit this pant?

Thanks in advance.

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Finger guns,

For the Nexus shell, did you order the same size as your girdle, or did you order a different size? I know that sometimes with shells that are meant to fit over pants, one would order a size up. I have a medium One.8, and I am just assuming I would probably order a medium Nexus?

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