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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dynasty AX Shins question

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I guess this could go with any "higher then low end" shin, but I am used to bargain basement shins and decided to get something a little more protective. Went with the AX2 and noted that they seem tight on the forward flex even when I am just standing up. I have never really noticed this in a shin guard before, but maybe they will break in a little for fuller range of motion? i might try to realign the straps a little too, see if that helps, but figured id get people opinions. I havent actually worn them to skate in yet, just tried it on before the skate, so i could return it and get something else, but they just seem to fit really well outside of this.

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maybe i am just not used to havin something more than a basic liner and hin plastic like my fit05 lol.

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for what its worth I went on an extensive shin guard search and tried just about everything on and out of the box the mako line was amazing. Flex was better and more comfortable then the 15+ yr old jofas I had been using since buying new. Easton was going for range of motion and I think they really nailed it.

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Ill check them out when I look to get another new pair (goal is to complete two full sets of gear and a roller set by years end). I have now skated on these shins twice, and did some minor tweaking of where the padding was and how it rested, however I think my major issue was trying to get the sling wrap strap as "over the velcro" as much as possible, and I think this was pulling the pad too much in on me. It probably doesnt make sense when I say it, but it does to me lol. This issue was corrected, and the pads are working out fairly well. They seem shorter than other 15's, which I love, as with my tongues out I usually used 14s which are either at the top end of my height range, if not a step below. I feel I get greater coverage in these, and they are definitely more protective.

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