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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CT Teams looking for players

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Does anyone no any teams in CT looking for players. I'm just getting back on the ice after a few years off. I'm looking for tier 3 or 4 or over 35 teams. I've been back skating for a while now so I'm ready to join a league again.

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Well I'm still in search of a team in central ct. Been looking into the ct hockey league. Anyone have any experience with this league? I know I can join as a single but I'd like to get some feed back before I join and get put on a random team.

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CHL is a good league - ive been playing in it for 5 years now and haven't had a single problem. i've played in a few other leagues in CT in the same time frame, and found the CHL to be the best one. better refs, better run league, competition is good.

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