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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Smallest bag to fit full set of gear

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I'm thinking I'll drop my pants into them, then load my shins, gloves and elbows INTO the pants then stick the shoulder pads on top of that.

Where do you put your helmet?

Helmet is at the bottom. With this bag I never put stuff into my pant legs because I just didn't need to, there was plenty of room.

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guess I'll have to see it in person. I'll be excited to have pockets for stuff like tape and pucks that are separate from my gear and separate areas for my skates.

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I can use a fairly small bag (think junior size? Like 28" long?) if I put shins & socks into one pants leg, gloves into helmet, helmet into one corner, elbows in the other. Skates at the bottom. I generally don't wear shoulder pads as a player. There's usually enough room to slip in a little repair/extras/phone/wallet bag (a cheap drawstring backpack/backsack).

This link has a good description of what I mean.

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