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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Surly D

Alternative liners for Jofa shin guards

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The liner pads in my Jofa 8090s are on their last leg. I have checked eBay and a few European sites but have had no luck. Seems like finding replacement liners here in North America is becoming increasingly difficult.

Has anyone tried liners from newer RBK shins in older Jofa pads? Do any new liners remotely fit?

I'm going to take my pads to the local shop and ask, but figured I'd try asking here as well. I am hoping I don't have to replace my shins just because the liners are worn out. I love these pads!

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Check Hockey Menders?

Looks interesting, but I don't have a backup pair of shins or liners to use while Menders repairs mine. Looks like I'd be without shins for at least two weeks, between to/return shipping and the repairs themselves.

Thanks for pointing me to them.

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I am a proponent of having spares of everything. That being said, I haven't any spares of my Sher-Wood shins... But I have spares for literally every other piece of equipment, however.

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Having four helmets, two pair of gloves, two pair of pants, two pair of elbow pads, two sets of shoulders, two pair of skates, three jocks, one inline girdle, too many jerseys, too many socks, and yet I have one pair of shins?

You may find your liners, but I'd be on the hunt for a new pair if you're having trouble finding liners if I were in your shoes. JMO

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I saw a pair of replacement Jofa liners go for $97 including shipping on ebay! I am so happy that I got mine a year ago for just $30. I thought back then that I overpaid... they'll probably pop up again but expect to pay a premium.

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I saw the ebay ones also, hadn't seen any for about a year then two pairs in the last month. Like bags said, expensive.

Have you tried some stock reebok liners, seems like I have seen the 10K (last iteration) on sale in places. I would think these would fit.

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Does the liner have to be Jofa, though? I'd think other brands would fit, give or take. If you have a Play it Again sports nearby, it might be worth a trip to test our some other models.

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