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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Icewarehouse return process

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Anyone that's dealt with IW's return process have any idea how the heck they send you pre-paid shipping labels? I called this Saturday to request two for my two orders of non-fitting skates, and was told i'd have to wait until today to get them emailed. Called earlier today and the rep I got said my account was noted and i'd get them sent to me via email. It's 8:30 here, so 5:30 for them (closing time) still not gotten anything in my email, just curious if this is normal and they for some reason send it before midnight or some strange practice? I confirmed my email address with the first rep I spoke with.


I am impatient and would have loved to get these boxes off my bed and back to IW so I can has my monies back :> (EMAIL ME SIRS.. ~_~)

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Yeah - as long as you buy an item that qualifies you to be part of the 'I win' membership (I bought a 6 pack of renfrew stick tape for 14$) you can get free return shipping on skates. Finally got my labels about 20 mins ago, so about an hour or so after they close it seems they send out the labels via UPS.

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You are correct Slayer. They are UPS shipping labels. You must have caught them at the end of their workday on Saturday and they are closed Sunday. By the way. You only get free return shipping only on skates if you send them back within 7 days of receipt. IW has great customer service and have bought several things and returned others with never any problems.

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Yeah - as long as you buy an item that qualifies you to be part of the 'I win' membership (I bought a 6 pack of renfrew stick tape for 14$) you can get free return shipping on skates. Finally got my labels about 20 mins ago, so about an hour or so after they close it seems they send out the labels via UPS.

Hey Slayer,

Just FYI, the UPS emails are tied to our processing center that gets finalized at the end of a business day (Monday). All in all, I apologize for any inconvenience but I'm glad to hear your got your labels.


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Hey Slayer,

Just FYI, the UPS emails are tied to our processing center that gets finalized at the end of a business day (Monday). All in all, I apologize for any inconvenience but I'm glad to hear your got your labels.


Gotcha, makes sense. Just a bit of a pain to drop off packages around my work schedule and with the long commute to and from work I have. Best I could have hoped for was bringing them along with me and maybe sneaking them to a drop off location during lunch (UPS drop boxes don't accept such large packages) but having them sit in my car is a bit unnerving. Hopefully the GF will drop them off today for me. Besides that the two reps I spoke to were very polite, and I haven't and don't see myself having any other issues, so i'd recommend people to purchase from you guys (which i've already done to my fellow crazed hockey people here at work haha).

Thanks for the information though!

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Gotcha, makes sense. Just a bit of a pain to drop off packages around my work schedule and with the long commute to and from work I have. Best I could have hoped for was bringing them along with me and maybe sneaking them to a drop off location during lunch (UPS drop boxes don't accept such large packages) but having them sit in my car is a bit unnerving. Hopefully the GF will drop them off today for me. Besides that the two reps I spoke to were very polite, and I haven't and don't see myself having any other issues, so i'd recommend people to purchase from you guys (which i've already done to my fellow crazed hockey people here at work haha).

Thanks for the information though!

Schedule a UPS pickup from your front door. I haven't taken anything to a post office or UPS store in a long time (only if I need them to package the item for me).

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Gotcha, makes sense. Just a bit of a pain to drop off packages around my work schedule and with the long commute to and from work I have. Best I could have hoped for was bringing them along with me and maybe sneaking them to a drop off location during lunch (UPS drop boxes don't accept such large packages) but having them sit in my car is a bit unnerving. Hopefully the GF will drop them off today for me. Besides that the two reps I spoke to were very polite, and I haven't and don't see myself having any other issues, so i'd recommend people to purchase from you guys (which i've already done to my fellow crazed hockey people here at work haha).

Thanks for the information though!

Not a problem buddy. If you ever have anymore questions, feel free to shoot me a message on here.

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