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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Stick Help

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Hey all,

I had a Vapor X:60 (L/87/P106) that I absolutely loved but just recently broke. So I'm now looking to replace it with something new. I've been looking at hockey monkey for some replacements (I have a few weeks til' my next season starts) and have found a few sticks that might fit what I'm looking for, but I wanted some advice from you guys.

I play in a men's league with games once or twice a week; I also go to drop in once in awhile as well. Normally I play defense, but I do play offense on occasion. I'm 5'8" (I typically cut sticks down by about 2") and my weight fluctuates between 180 and 195. I'm looking for something that's going to perform similarly to the X:60. My two favorite sticks that I've ever used are the X:60 and the One95. I've been partial to Bauer sticks in the past, but I don't mind trying something new. I've had 85/87 flex sticks forever, though I feel like my wrist/snap shots are pretty weak. My slapper is good, but I've been wondering if I should try a 75 flex stick this time around to help with my wrister/snapper. I've never had a 75 flex stick (outside of my LHS - I liked it then but I don't feel like it's an accurate substitute for ice time), so I'm somewhat hesitant to drop money on something that I may or may not like. Anyway, I do like using heel curves and have been using the P106 curve from Bauer for quite some time, so I'm looking for something similar to that if I end up with a different brand.

The sticks I've looked at on hockey monkey are all clearance sticks as they have a 15% off deal for sticks on clearance. I'm not sure on the curves, so feel free to correct me if what I have listed is not as close to a P106 as I can get. The sticks are as follows:

  • L/77/Kronwall (P02) - This is the only curve they have available in the 77 flex (I've never used a square toe)

  • L/77/Gagne (P106)

  • L/75/Burrows

  • L/75/Heatley E6

I have a few sticks I can use as backups but they are lower end sticks that I'd prefer to not use, so I'm considering picking up two sticks this time in attempt to also extend the life of the sticks. I'm trying to keep the cost down as much as possible, but I don't mind paying a bit more for durability. I don't really care if the stick is a grip version or not; I've used both and I like both. Anyway, any help, suggestions, feedback, constructive criticism is appreciated. Also, if I've posted this in the wrong section, please let me know. Thanks!

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If you do go with a 75, the added flex will likely make up for a little loft lost with a different pattern That said, my suggestion would be to only change one thing at a time. Go with the curve and vapor flex profile that you already know and try the 6.0. If you change too many things at once, it's harder to tell what (if anything) went wrong.

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You will defo appreciate a lower flex. When i transferred, all my types of shot became better and more importantly..much more consistent.

I am a lot shorter than you (5'4" and 155lbs) and went for an intermediate stick. Best decision i made. Its a 60flex ccm rbz80 with 5" cut off with a sakic curve (e3 in an easton). Id say its probably about a 70flex now. The whippier stick is great for loading up wristers and my slapshots seem to be much more effortless.

I play roller btw

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I have a 6.0 right now and im not absolutely in love with it, but it has been solid. A lot of grip on the stick, decent wrist shots,but not great puck feel in my opinion.

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