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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS Shaft Flex

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I have done some searching here and around the web, but haven't come up with anything definitive.

I'm confused about the flex rating on my TPS Tricore shaft.

It's an XF, It also says stiff/120. I've had X stiff Tricores before, and I could barely bend them. I also don't think that they were marked with XF. I think it was X or XS, but I may be wrong. This one feels somewhere around 95-105. I'm not great at estimating flex, though.

Did they change the rating scale numbers, at some point?

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Yes, they changed the rating scale about the time the Response came out, the one they used prior to that used very bizarre and confusing names and ratings.

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