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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Vapor Skates

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I was looking to purchase a pair of the Bauer Vapor X 6.0s on sale but haven't been able to find my size.

So I started looking at the new offerings from the Bauer Vapor line but am pretty confused.

What is the difference between the Vapor x 6.0s and the new X60s?

I'm looking for a relatively high end skate without the cost. Trying to spend no more than $300 I think...

So what's the difference? Other suggestions to look at?


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Bauer can pretty confusing at times.

The x60 skates used to be high end 2-3 years. Nowadays (if you're talking about this model), the x60 are low end skates (x100-x90-x80-x70-x60). The x6.0 (the line before x100-x90...)is mid high end, and a much better skate. Always try to buy last years models on liquidation, changes are minimal compared to the new line, and you will pay much less than the original price.

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right so I was looking for the x6.0, the mid high end.

So what is this years equivalent to that because I haven't seen any x 6.0 just x60.

Anybody know of any places that still have last years x6.0 on sale? I haven't been able to find my size...

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The x60 skates used to be high end 2-3 years. Nowadays (if you're talking about this model), the x60 are low end skates (x100-x90-x80-x70-x60).

The x:60 (notice the :) used to be high-end. Just for the record; Bauer is really confusing...

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