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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cleaning your equipment

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Thought i saw a thread a while back on cleaning your equipment but couldnt find it. I think i recall someone saying you can soak your stuff over night in the tub and the smelly stuff will come out? Any suggestions? thx

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Try hot water and Simple green. Soak 2-3 hours and give it a quick warm water rinse.

Hang it outside in the fresh air to dry (fortunately possible this time of year).

It does a good job of soaking out all the accumulated sweat and grime. I like it because it's non-toxic and smells like root beer.

I can't say it kills 100% of germs, but it does kill the stink, which tells me it's doing something good. I do a pretty good job of hanging my gear to dry every night after playing so it never gets too rank.

I grabbed a pair of gloves that had been in the lost and found at our rink all season. A lot of people had borrowed them when they forgot theirs and they never dried. They were NASTY. A double soak got them decently fresh again.

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