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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nexus 8000 vs ax1 LT and other current mid kick offerings

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I have an ax1lt, 2 actually. Really like it but am getting the itch to sell one and try the nexus 8000 or the easton synergy and or tacks stick when they come out.

Just seeing if anybody got to try the 8000 and ax1lt. Looking for comparisons. And if anybody tried the other 2 that would be great too.

I also really like my v9e....more so than my dt1lt

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Tried the AX1LT, couldn't get past the feel on it (both puck feel and shaft shape), but that's so subjective. Have the Nexus 8000 (coming from a NXG), so far I am really liking this stick, feel is great, and flex profile is really nice. I like the little tweak, whatever it is, they made from the 1000. So far liking it a better than the NXG, but that could be just because it's still the new and exciting stick in the rotation... time will tell.

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I have used almost everything, in the past year I've owned the following sticks:

Easton RS2 Hall 100

CCM RBZ Crosby 85

Vapor 7.0 Stall 87

Nexus 1000 Backstrom 87

Reebok AI9 Datsyuk 75

TotalOne NXG Vintage 87 Stamkos

Reebok Ribcor 85 Hedman

APX2 Backstrom 87

Nexus 8000 Backstrom 87

And after all that trial and error I am now using a TotalOne NXG Non Grip 77 Flex Uncut Backstrom...

I've used 1 Warrior... a Widow and the blade literally broke in 30 minutes.

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