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Custom stick in too long cut SR or natural length INT?

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If you order your custom sticks and you were very small man, which do you think better "cut low flex SR stick over 15cm" or "normal or stiffer INT but slightly cut"?

I'm going to buy a dozen of custom Easton sticks.

Probably I will order within this month.

This is 2nd time to order.

In the 1st time, I chose Easton V9E with 80flex and I've been using it.

But it is too stiff for me.

I'm 168cm and 73kg (5'6" and 160lbs), cut the sticks around mouse wearing skates.

Custom of SR V9E have flex range 75 and 65 but there isn't 70 for under 80flex I've chosen.

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Get the INT. I'm 5' 7" and still cut a chunk off my stick. Better slightly too whippy that so stiff you can't flex it. Cutting the 65 a couple inches should bring it to a perfect 70 flex.

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Get the INT. I'm 5' 7" and still cut a chunk off my stick. Better slightly too whippy that so stiff you can't flex it. Cutting the 65 a couple inches should bring it to a perfect 70 flex.

I'm bothered about 2 things.

First, I don't know how the manufactures control its qualities of INT sticks.

In fact there is a huge difference between custom line SR stick and normal one of Easton.

If some small NHL player used such custom INT stick for them, it would be a proof of not bad in a sense.

Second, if I use 60 or 65flex of INT stick use on the ice, how it will be... especially its torque must be down because of thinner shaft.

I've felt that when I shot one timer with RS2.

Have you been able to play hockey with such INT stick any problems?

I think to buy Warrior's INT 55flex stick for testing.

It is being sold almost the same length as I'm using.

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I don't have trouble with my INT stick. I can't imagine the quality will be any different between INT sticks and SR sticks. They are both top of the line sticks and as such will have quality reflective of that. If the 85 Flex SR is too stiff for you and you still have to cut it down, it is interfering with your ability to shoot well. Even if there is a slight reduction in quality (which I don't think there is), it will be better for your shot and you'll probably see a great deal of improvement. Considering your weight, I think 65 flex should be just fine.

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Thank you for your good information.

We can choose 65flex of SR for Easton's custom sticks.

(I've not received an answer about 60 or 55 flex for SR, but certainly they can make V9E for 65flex.)

Supposing that there is no difference on quality or material between SR and INT, though their length and thinness are different.

It's the same 65flex but it will be around 85flex if I choose SR stick and cut 12~5cm.

It, the "85flex" sounds so good.

Then about INT stick,

I don't know its produced length.

I've seen it doesn't change just 4cm (1.5") from SR one, is this true...?

If so, it's not better choice for large risk.

I've ordered my 1st time custom V9E after using someone's the same flex.

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Easton answered me that they can't produce intermediate stick for custom and the most whipy stick of senior custom is 65flex.

So I decided to order V9E senior custom in 65flex with V9's white color paint.

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