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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Can this be fixed? Torn liner on Bauer One.8 skate.

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These skates are less than 18 months old and have lots of life left in them, but the liner is torn and getting worse. It's the same for both skates.

Can this be repaired?


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You can patch over that bad spot, or you can have the whole skate re-lined. Google will get you some good results, just make sure you have a reputable shop do the work. You'll probably be without your skates for a week or two if you go the full re-line route.

Are you skating with your tongues over your shin pads or underneath?

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Thanks for the replies.

1. I wear my shins over the tongue. These just gets TONS of use. A conservative estimate would be 700+ hours in the last 18 months.

2. I'll try gorilla tape till my new skates come in, thank you.

3. I Googled George's and will send these out once I'm in my new skates.

Thanks again for the replies and information.

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