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Interesting article on Sharks TV contract

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Interesting. Was Jamison fired because of the deal or did he know that his days were numbered? I also wonder how much say the Sharks had in the deal. I'd imagine that they saw the NHL landscape and how much teams were or were about to make from these TV deals. I can't see Comcast budging on this one. For how much money Comcast makes annually, hockey is only a small portion of it.

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He resigned, if I remember correctly. During the lockout, I was a big proponent of teams sharing local media revenue because of things like this. There is no way that smaller markets can generate the type of revenue that the larger or more traditional markets can generate.

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I totally agree. I would assume that the owners would to vote in favor for revenue sharing?

The traditional markets are staunchly against this type of revenue sharing. Every other major professional sporting league in the US has better revenue sharing than the NHL does.

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This is why I say, when the NHL puts ads on the unis they must make it a league wide deal not like board or local TV sales.

Also, I've said the Kings got so lucky that the Lakers and Dodgers started their own channels w/ Time Warner. There was no way they would have gotten such a great deal w/ FSW w/ out the upstarts.

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