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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacement MLX runner?

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Evenin' gents. Does anybody know if it possible to get replacement steel for MLX skates? I can't seem to find them anywhere, and it would be a damn shame to throw these skates away because I can't replace my broken steel :(

Thanks for any help.

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Evenin' gents. Does anybody know if it possible to get replacement steel for MLX skates? I can't seem to find them anywhere, and it would be a damn shame to throw these skates away because I can't replace my broken steel :(

Thanks for any help.

If you can't find replacement steel in your size you can always do a holder swap if that's within your budget. (Approx $140 for new holders/steel + labor.)

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I have already reached out to that guy. Unfortunately he wants to sell me the whole lot, and I just simply have no use for all of that...lol.

I hate that I have to buy a new pair of skates simply because I can't find replacement steel. Sure I could go with new holders, but at that point, I am not even sure if it is worth the cost since the skates are already pretty much at the end of their life. I was just hoping to get another season out of them.

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