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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Checking skate sharpening job

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So I have a great tool to measure square edges. But should I also invest in an HDI? Im new to skate sharpening and after doing my own skates and my kids, everyone seems happy. But I want to be very precise. I have a max edge quick square and it works great to making sure the edges are level. My question is should I also invest in an HDI to measure the depth of the hollow?

Besides checking for level edges, no burrs on the blade.. what else can I check to make sure the sharpening is done well?

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My buddy just uses a level like you describe to make sure the edges are even and straight. I've been having him do my skates now for a while and I have no complaints.

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Check the bottom of the blade as well. Burning may indicate overheating that could potentially damage the temper of the steel. Also, what separates a good sharpening from a great sharpening is the finishing pass. It should be a very consistent and shiny surface (faint parallel lines running down the blade are ok.) If you see a lot of crosshatches or perpedicular lines then the finishing pass is either too fast or the wheel needs to be re-dressed.

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I will always use an HDI. Yes expensive, but get's you very accurate if used properly and well trained in how to use it.

Other things to check is a hand or finger feel of the edges as you need to know its sharp Seem's obvious, but not everyone feels it. Edge checkers will only tell you how even edges are. Lastly the visual is important as mickz stated the consistent shine from last pass, but also that there are no long shines or shimmers that are consistent with the finishing pass to see if an edge has been missed. A few pits or deep nicks may be acceptable if they are not long and would cause to take to much steel off, but that can be personal opinion, but haven't found it affects much in my 13 years of sharpening

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