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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jofa sg 3190 replacement liners?

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The liners(not sure if that's what they're called, the inside padding that is removable) are starting to tear in multiple places. Does anyone know if there's a place or person that sells replacement liners?

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Team sales, Ebay or used sporting goods stores ( for a set of pads you can take the liners out of) will be your best bet. They are hard to find but pop up on occasion.

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What about making them? It seems like that might be just as expensive and much easier. Could a tailor fix that up? It's just foam and a covering material right?

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I've got a pair of 14" RBKs with a cracked knee. If memory serves, the liners are decent. PM me if they're your size and we can work something out.

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What about making them? It seems like that might be just as expensive and much easier. Could a tailor fix that up? It's just foam and a covering material right?

I think it'd just be cheaper to buy new shin guards. The tears are pretty bad and the material all around them is very thin, I don't think repairing them will last very long.

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I meant make a whole new liner (the "fix" I meant to read more colloquially, not literally). If you go that way, it's good that they're tearing up--an automatic biopsy for you to better reverse engineer.

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