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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer APX 2 Ankle Support

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I noticed recently that my Bauer APX 2 on my right foot, the ankle support has become flimsy. Do you think this has a big impact on my ability to skate? Is this fixable?

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I noticed recently that my Bauer APX 2 on my right foot, the ankle support has become flimsy. Do you think this has a big impact on my ability to skate? Is this fixable?

Ankle support? Or tendon guard? I think you mean tendon guard, referring to the piece on the top of the boot straight above the heel. This isn't really used to skate, but is imperative in protecting the back of your leg from skate cuts. See your LHS and they might be able to fix it or refer you to someone who can, if you're not under warranty.

Do you kick your skates off with your other skates when they're untied, by any chance?

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