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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Has anyone ever successfully made a white skate mostly black?

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You're going to need some serious skill for this one. Use that heat gun on low haha. This wouldn't chip no, but you could encounter entire sections peeling up from poorly trimmed vinyl edges as well as contact with skate steel.

Always keep in mind, if you're going to paint ANYTHING for longevity you need to do serious and regimented sanding prior to priming, and also throughout layered light coats of paint. Coats obviously need to be allowed to fully dry before sanding so give yourself a lot of time and the proper working conditions/temperatures for the job. You will not ever get quality results with paint unless you work slowly and carefully.

The killers here are the temperatures changes on and off ice matched with abrasion. You may have to use multiple mediums i.e. a solid paint job, then covered by a tough (not to be confused with strong which most usually means brittle), layer of hand picked epoxy.

Other than the initial sanding, I disagree with just about everything in this post.

Wrap the composite boot in 3M 1080 vinyl car wrap, use a protectoe on the toe cap, and fiebing leather dye (BLACK, not MARINE BOOT BLACK) on the leather parts.


Most durable solution, & easiest to freshen up or change later.

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