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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I am going to buy a pair of CCM RBZ 50. Would anyone recommend these stakes? They fit me perfect...I think

I'm not new to skating but I am nowhere near to a professional level!

Can these skates be baked?

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Depends on how often/competitive you are skating. I have had good luck with the rbz line. Don't think they are able to bake though

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If you're doing anything beyond public skates, it's well worth dropping more money and buying better quality skates. 2 - 3 times a week is going to break those skates down really quickly, and they're not all that stiff to begin with.

It's so much of a better value in the long run to buy even $200 level skates. I know that's twice as much, but for your purpose, they'll be more than twice as valuable.

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I have already ordered them. To be honest I thought that these were the best ones to begin with. It doesnt bother me about getting a new pair in 6 months or so.

I really need to learn to skate properly and was told that these or the 40 were the better choice. I hope you agree!

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Then those will be fine to learn in, as long as you are preparing to buy again in 6 months. Maybe try the RBZ 70 or 80 next if you like the fit of that line.

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You'll want better skates soon.

You can often find close-outs on 2-3 year old higher-end models for the same $200 you'd pay for a current model midline skate.

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