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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Holder placement?

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I just got vapor XXX and I have a little quaetion about the holders. I lined the baldes up on the edge of the table and the blades seem to be straight, But it seems the holders are mounted in different spots.The left skate's holder is mounted farther foward than the holder on the right skate. Is this a big problem, or no biggie?

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i second that, if you don't have 2 pairs that are identical, you will have balance issues, i know first hand, i played with a pair of crooked Grafs and now I have a herniated disk in my back....

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At the same time, if there is just a little difference, I don't think you will notice. The sharpener of your skates will notice more

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If you skate on them and decide that you want to get them changed, is the warranty revoked, or is it 1 year like most? I would try them out and see how they are if that's not the case.

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sherwood has a good idea i read the warranty card and it says I have a year on the TUUK LS on manufacturing defects and workmanship. And theis is easily defended and workmanship.

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Ranger, I also have gotten XXX Skates and I was wondering how far off your holders are. My right skate seems to be off a tiny bit, only about 1/3cm, from my left skate. Are yours more than this or not?

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