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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Forsberg for life

bergeron's skates

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At my LHS today I was looking at their skates and they had the '05 RBK 8K's, and the '05 CCM Pro Tacks. The RBK's looked like carbon copies of the Pro Tacks. The Pro Tacks are FUGLY too. I know you guys saw all the pictures of them in the thread by MINT but I thought you should know. The RBK's look ok, but they don't look like anything Innovative or new, but who knows until we try them out.

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At my LHS today I was looking at their skates and they had the '05 RBK 8K's, and the '05 CCM Pro Tacks. The RBK's looked like carbon copies of the Pro Tacks. The Pro Tacks are FUGLY too. I know you guys saw all the pictures of them in the thread by MINT but I thought you should know. The RBK's look ok, but they don't look like anything Innovative or new, but who knows until we try them out.

They already had the 8k skate?

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Yea, it surprised me too. As I was checking out to buy my visor spray I saw the Pro Tacks, so I went over to look and saw the 8K's right under them. One of the guys who was working the section said that they will come out for our LHS in '05, but he wouldn't tell me when... :P

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Bergeron signed with Reebok, you can see him in that little intro on the rbkhockey.com website. Although he has to wear Bauer gloves and helmet during the junior tourny because Bauer/Nike is the only glove, pants, helmet and sweater sponsor for the team.

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