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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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J Clip fitting modification

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So I am trying to add some rubber spacers in between the J clip and the helmet so my hybrid shield will fit in the J clips, and to do so I am going to need some screws that are a bit longer. I tried the ones that secure the top of the shield to the helmet and they work well. I don't want to buy a whole repair kit just for those screws, so I figured I would try to find them at the hardware store. According to Total Hockey and the Bauer repair kit the screws are 3/8", but I'm not sure if I can just walk in and grab any 3/8" screw, so I need some help in further identifying this particular screw so I make sure I get the right one. Thanks in advance.

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Bring the helmet into local hardware store like Ace or True Value and they will have them. Probably with smaller screw heads. 3/8 does not sound right, unless that is the length they are describing. You could also use visor screws I bet from a kit since the will be longer.

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Bring the helmet into local hardware store like Ace or True Value and they will have them. Probably with smaller screw heads. 3/8 does not sound right, unless that is the length they are describing. You could also use visor screws I bet from a kit since the will be longer.

Yes, I'm sorry, the length was what I was describing. I would much rather buy the individual screws than a kit, but if it comes down to it, I might just have to.

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Just go into TH Ann Arbor and they'll give you the screws that will work. They ought to have the longer ones (the screws that work for the top clips on Concept 3s); if not I'll make sure they do.

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Just spoke to their assistant manager and they do have those screws in stock. Just go to the service counter and get a set. No charge.

Thanks JR, I really appreciate it. Do I need to bring the helmet with me?

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