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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate footbeds

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My kids have always had Superfeet footbeds put into their new skates by the retailer. I have never had them in my own skates but tried on skates the other day with them in the skates and they killed my arches. They almost felt like they were keeping me from really pushing down on my skates. Should this be normal or are there other footbeds that will perform better?

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My kids have always had Superfeet footbeds put into their new skates by the retailer. I have never had them in my own skates but tried on skates the other day with them in the skates and they killed my arches. They almost felt like they were keeping me from really pushing down on my skates. Should this be normal or are there other footbeds that will perform better?

not only are there other footbeds, but there are other superfeet footbeds. You need to match footbed to your particular arch or there could be some pain. I have Superfeet as well that the rep helped match to my arch, and they work wonderfully.

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Pull the super feet out and stand on them with your heel where it should be. Check the arch to see if it lines up with your arch. Mine are the correct skate size but more than an inch off of where my arch is. I'll have to go back and get a few sizes "too big" and cut them down.

You can also pull out your existing insole to compare if it hits your arch correctly.

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