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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stamkos shows amazing ability to recall goals at a moments notice.

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That's unbelievable. What I find most impressive is that he even remembers the opposing players involved. I would bet that most players wouldn't even be able to tell you the opposing players involved immediately after scoring a goal much less years later.

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That's unbelievable. What I find most impressive is that he even remembers the opposing players involved. I would bet that most players wouldn't even be able to tell you the opposing players involved immediately after scoring a goal much less years later.

that is what blows me away in all of it. He also remembers the "bouncing Puck"! That is just amazing. I am lucky to remember what I had for breakfast and this guy can recall plays, setup, and moves. Nice.

Guess thats why he is a pro and I am a Joe! :laugh:

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