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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lindros(P88) Vs Iginla

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They're both my type of curve, but the Iggy has more loft, while the Lindros is more of an all around blade with pretty much no loft. The Londros would be better for defenders that like smooth mid curves so they can keep it under the crossbar with shot from the point, while the Iggy would be better for forwards who like mid curves...

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Yeah, I almost broke my buddy's ribs a few times playing with him for 4 years from high school through 1st year college. He always parked in front of teh net and I used to use mids with loft, like the P71, and he always LOVED that... He blocked more of my point shots than the goalies did, I think...

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Yeah i can remember one time last year my forward was going to the front of the net on the Powerplay and i got a pass across at the top of the cirle(i have a hard shot) i shot it and i knew it was a harder one and i hit him in the shin and broke his shin pad lol

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i cracked my freinds helmet in a game i was off balnce and i ripped a shot hit him in the side of the head and his helmet fell apart he had to leave the game and he was out best player lol the whole side just fell off in like a million pieces lol

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